People :: Dr. Wolf-Gerrit Früh
Status: Senior Lecturer
Office room number: NS 2.10
Phone: +44 (0)131 451 4374
Email: w.g.fruh -at- hw.ac.uk
Dr Früh has worked in the Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics group of the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences at Heriot Watt University (HWU) since 1997 after completing a DPhil and post-doctoral position in Atmospheric Physics at the University of Oxford. Dr. Früh's work ranges from geophysical fluid dynamics to heat and fluid flow in process equipment. He has experience in experimental fluid dynamics and computational fluid dynamics using a variety of modelling techniques including Finite-Element modelling. Since 2006, he has become involved in wind turbine aerodynamics. In connection with this, he was invited to the Institute of Turbomachinery and Fluid Dynamics at Leibniz Universität Hannover during a sabbatical funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering, to study unsteady effects of wind turbine aerodynamics.
Awards and Prizes
- 2006 Global Research Award, Royal Academy of Engineering
- 1997 EGS Young Scientists' Publication Award
- 1994 – 1996: Junior Research Fellowship, Linacre College, Oxford
Recent Publications
- W.-G. Früh, P. Maubert, P.L. Read and A. Randriamampianina. DNS of structural vacillation in the transition to geostrophic turbulence. In J.M.L.M. Palma and A. Silva Lopes (editors) Advances in Turbulence XI, Springer Proceedings in Physics 117, pages 432-434, Porto, 25-28 June 2007. Springer Verlag.
- A. Randriamampianina, W.-G. Früh, P. L. Read, and P. Maubert. Direct numerical simulations of bifurcations in an air-filled rotating baroclinic annulus. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 561:359-389, 2006.
- W.-G. Früh. Heat transfer enhancement by thermomagnetic convection. P Jansens, A. Stankiewicz, and A. Green (editors) Sustainable (Bio)Chemical Process Technology, pages 47-56, Cranfield, 2005. BHR Group Ltd.
- W.-G. Früh. Using magnetic fluids to simulate convection in a central force field in the laboratory. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 12:877-889, 2005.