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People :: Dr. Angus Creech
Photograph of Dr Creech

Status: Research Associate

Office room number: NS 2.35

Phone: +44 (0)131 451 3593

Email: a.c.w.creech -at-


Angus Creech graduated from the University of Edinburgh with an honours degree in Computational Physics in 1995, which was followed by an MSc. in Image Processing in 1996, also at Edinburgh. After several years of working in the I.T. industry as a software developer, he returned to academia in 2004, starting a PhD. in computational fluid dynamics. He completed his doctorate in 2009 (Thesis title: "A three dimensional model of a horizontal axis, energy extracting turbine").

He was employed as a research associate by the university in 2009 and has been working on a variety of academic and commercial joint projects at the university, building on his thesis work in wind and tidal marine turbine modelling. This has included ventures with SgurrEnergy and Plymouth Marine Laboratory. Dr Creech is currently charged with developing further research projects out of his thesis modelling work and establishing business contacts with the renewable energy industry. Angus's research interests include finite element computational fluid dynamics using hr-adaptive methods, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) applied to atmospheric and oceanic turbulence, wake modelling of wind and tidal marine turbines, and wind farm layout optimisation strategies.

He is currently working with industrial partners on CFD/LES simulations of Lillgrund wind farm, and is a participant in IEA WAKEBENCH.

Awards and Prizes

  • FLEDGE IV. Tidal energy: modelling far-field effects of tidal turbine farms. (PI)
  • FLEDGE IV. Study of the reliability of tidal turbines.
  • 1st prize. A simple axial-flow marine turbine model for evaluating the influence of turbines on tidal currents. Energy, Transport and Logistics Postgraduate Conference, Heriot-Watt 2007.

Recent Publications

  1. A.C.W. Creech, W.-G. Früh and P. Clive. Actuator volumes and hr-adaptive methods for three-dimensional simulation of wind turbine wakes and performance. Wind Energy, 2011. doi:10.1002/we.508.
  2. B. Tollit, A. Creech, A. Buchan, J. Gomes, G. Gorman, M. Piggot, C. Pain, P. Smith. Developing Radiation Methods within the Multiphysics Fluidity Model. International Conference on Nuclear Criticality 2011.
  3. A.C.W. Creech, Computational modelling of an operational wind turbine and validation with LIDAR. EGU General Assembly 2010
  4. A.C.W. Creech and B. Chen. Modelling tanker ballast water dispersion in ports. Heriot-Watt University and Plymouth Marine Laboratory 2009.
  5. A.C.W. Creech. Myres Hill Study: A comparison between the Heriot-Watt wind farm model and LIDAR data. Heriot-Watt University and SgurrEnergy 2009
  6. A.C.W. Creech. A simple CFD model of power-extracting axial flow turbines. 20th Annual Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting 2007.

Doctoral thesis

A.C.W. Creech. A three-dimensional numerical model of a horizontal axis, energy extracting turbine. Heriot-Watt University, 2009.

Web Presentation

A.C.W. Creech. Wind and marine turbine modelling at Heriot-Watt (PDF download)

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